nbuchwitz / ansible-icinga2

Ansible role for setup and configuration of Icinga2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installs and configures Icinga2 on RHEL/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu servers.


This role needs root access for setup and configuration. Use either a global become: True or use it in your role definition like this:

- hosts: client
    - role: nbuchwitz.icinga2
      become: True

Role Variables

icinga2_master: master.example.org

Icinga2 master for ticket generation.

icinga2_setup: yes

Install Icinga repositories and packages.

icinga2_cn: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

The name of the Icinga host.

icinga2_zone: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

The zone of the Icinga host.

icinga2_endpoint: "{{ icinga2_master }}"

Connect to remote endpoint (parent communicates with child). See Icinga distributed monitoring documentation for more details.

  name: "{{ icinga2_master }}"
  host: "{{ icinga2_master }}"
  port: 5665

Connect to remote endpoint (child communicates with parent, useful in NAT environments). See Icinga distributed monitoring documentation for more details.

icinga2_parent_host: "{{ icinga2_master }}"

The name of the parent host for auto-signing the CSR.

icinga2_parent_zone: "master"

The name of the parent zone.

icinga2_user: icinga
icinga2_group: icinga

User and group of the Icinga daemon. Used in permissions.

icinga2_rebuild_certificates: no

If set to yes/true existing certificates will be removed and new ones will be created.

icinga2_global_zones: []

List of additional global zones. See Icinga documentation for more details.

icinga2_accept_commands: yes
icinga2_accept_config: yes

Accept config and commands from parent / master. See Icinga documentation for more details.

icinga2_disable_confd: yes

Disable the default configuration directory. Should be touched unless this is a standalone instance.

icinga2_pki_path: /var/lib/icinga2/certs

Override default Icinga pki path. This shouldn't be necessary for most environments.



Example Playbook

Simple example with one master and some additional check plugins

- hosts: servers
  become: True
    # icinga2 master, which is also the default endpoint
    icinga2_master: "master.example.org"

    # list of additional check plugins
      - check_unicorn
    - nbuchwitz.icinga2


GNU General Public License v2.0

Author Information

Nicolai Buchwitz nb@tipi-net.de


Ansible role for setup and configuration of Icinga2

License:GNU General Public License v2.0