Adding glow to this
xenu1 opened this issue · comments
xenu1 commented
I've fixed errors it seems. Unfortunately can't even get the usermode portion to open. I modified the triggerbot code with glow (took example from 3KB glow) ```
for (int i = 1; i < 65; i++)
ULONG dwCurrentEntity = driver_control::read_memory(process_id, client_base + m_dwEntityList + i * 0x10);
if (dwCurrentEntity)
flSensorTime = 86400.f;
driver_control::write_memory<ULONG>(process_id, client_base, dwCurrentEntity + 0x3978), & flSensorTime, sizeof(flSensorTime);
Dario commented
Reading floats should work just fine iirc. Add me on discord for further questions