nbarbettini / little-aspnetcore-book

The Little ASP.NET Core Book, a friendly introduction to web programming and ASP.NET Core 2.0

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Portuguese (pt-br) Translation

joaopgrassi opened this issue · comments

This seems to be a good hit in Brazil. There's no much content in Portuguese for ASP.NET Core. Since English is not so widespread there, I believe a bunch of devs can benefit from it. Even if they know English, a pt-br version would be optimal for some.

I could help translating it.. just let me know if you are interested.. and we could proceed from that.


I would love to have a Portuguese translation! I just released a new version (1.1) that includes a lot of copy changes so now is a great time to perform the translation. Let me know how I can help.

I'm curious, do you know how folks in Brazil find the book?

Cool! I have some limited time, but I'm definitely excited in working on this!

Since this is new to me, maybe you can fill me in on how was the coordination for the other translations? I was thinking on creating a pt-br branch where I would work. Of course, keep merging in master or whatever branch has new things.. until it's released?

Hum.. probably through just googling, but in Portuguese! I know bunch of devs that still Google stuff in Portuguese.. so if we manage to 'disseminate' the contents of the book in Portuguese, via blogs or other channels... people will find it in the end. I have a blog, so I can definitely write a post and share with my network, which is not much but.. it's a start :).

I liked your idea on #35, could pursue like that. Not sure about the Gitbook part though. Do you want to keep them all in the same project, or should I host it on my personal account like the others did?

The gitbook stuff is a little weird, but we can figure that out later. I think a fork + branch is the best approach, like this one: (see branch master and zh-cn).

The hard/time-consuming part is translating it. I can help with gitbook when it's ready!

Yeah, I just spent 1 hour on Gitbook. It's a mess. I did the integration on the new Gitbook, since I can't create a new account in the legacy one anymore. I managed to import my pt-br branch into it.. but it did lot's of changes automatically to the files. It's probably my inexperience with it though.

Just gonna give up for now on setting up Gitbook, and will only focus on translating it.

Ugh, sorry about that. If you do the translation in a fork, then we can figure all that stuff out later. 👍

No worries. Will keep this updated :).

@joaopgrassi, do you need help to translate this book?
I can help you!

Sure @nicolastarzia. I'm busy with some things atm so haven't actually started. I forked it and I intend to follow the suggestion from #35 on how to coordinate the translation. Not sure now how can we work together on the same thing... We could split the chapters I guess? And use MR to review the translation.. so we proof-read each other.

Yes, I think splitting by chapter.
Can we use Project board in your project?

Just to see all pending chapters...

That's a good idea. I'll add a project board.. and you as contributor. Since I didn't started anything.. you can pick any chapter.. but first I would need to create all tasks on the board.. maybe I can do it this weekend. We'll have to find a chat so we don't spam everyone here. Skype's cool for you?

Ok so @nicolastarzia I added a project for the translation.. and also created issues so we assign to ourselves and have a nice track of who's doing what. Thanks for the idea! Also, I need you guys specially @nicolastarzia to check this: I need your opinion on the Title of the book in Portuguese.

Hi guys
I'm looking for projects that need translation. I want to help, I am not an expert, but I believe that with your supervision everything will work out.

@joao-marcos See @joaopgrassi's fork here:
He's got issues defined for translating each chapter of the book. Check with him to see if he needs help!

Nice! @joaopgrassi if theres no problem, I can take the chapter "MVC basics", ok?

@joao-marcos any help is welcome :). Please, fork my fork of the book, and make sure you branch out of branch. I'm using a pattern for the branch names, of chapter/{chapter_name}. See the one I'm working on for an example.
Also, make sure you assign yourself the issue and update it accordingly in the project board.
When you are ready, create a pull request so we can review it.

Also, I think it's a good idea to merge the pt-br branch into your branch to avoid merge conflicts. This way it's always a fast-forward.

All right! Thank you

Hi! Can I help on this translate?

@joaopgrassi I emailed @nbarbettini and he told me that I can help you.

I forked your fork and I'll start a new branch of "pt-br" branch to translate "your-first-application" chapter first.

I'll report here my progress soon.

@oliveiramarcio see my previous comment for @joao-marcos on how to get started. I will add you as a contributor.. so you assign the chapter ticket to yourself and move the tickets on the project. But before you start, I would assign you to review the chapter that I translated and it's pending review. Can you do that?

Also @oliveiramarcio that chapter is already picked by @nicolastarzia. Always check the board to see who's doing what.

Hi @joaopgrassi!

I'll review the "introduction" chapter and report you soon.

Then after this review I'll start translating "add-external-packages" chapter.

Cool. I've sent you a collaborator invite. Once you accept, you can assign the ticket to yourself and move it on the board. Thanks!

@joaopgrassi I finished the introduction chapter review.

I did some sentences changes to get more PT-BR semantics and I did some ortografic corrections too.

I commit the changes to chapter/introduction branch on my fork and I created a pull request too.

The cards of the project are updated too.

Please verifiy if everything is correct to your merge.

After your merge I'll start "add-external-packages" chapter translation.

Hey all. It's been a while since we started on the pt-BR translations. As always, things happen and a lot has changed since I started with this project. Unfortunately, I don't think I can contribute more as my time is limited and I'm swamped with other stuff atm. To not lose all the hard work we've done, I
transferred the fork to @nicolastarzia, so you guys can continue working on this, and hopefully finishing it :)

I would like to thank you all that helped to translate it so far, and I'm sorry for not having been much active on it.

Thank you @joaopgrassi, you made a good job.
When you have some time, would be awesome that you can translate with us! ✌️

Hi Guys!

Is this translation work still on going? Would you be willing to accept an extra pair of hands on the work? I had never worked on such project before, but I would love to learn to help on the job to translate it to Brazilian portuguese, as I understood this book would be of great help to some non-english enthusiasts.