nazar-pc / supercop.wasm

orlp/ed25519 compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten and optimized for small size

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ed25519 decode / decompress

1000i100 opened this issue · comments

I have ed25519 pubkeys.
I would like to check there validity.
The RFC say how to do that by decoding/decompressing to an x,y point :

Do y plan to add this to this lib ?

No such plans. In fact I'm working with Rust whenever possible lately so updates to this library are unlikely any time soon.
If you manage to create a PR I will consider merging it and releasing a new version.

does the wasm is from rust binding ? if yes, there is a rust crate to decode/decompress ed25519 : curve25519_dalek

Readme has a link to the library this WASM was compiled from. And no, it is not in Rust.