navveenb / pr-faqs

Press Release FAQ's for the Foundation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Press Release FAQs

Projects int he Green Software Foundation are defined using something called a PR FAQ, a Press Release FAQ.

PR FAQs are part of a work backwards approach to project management. The first thing you write is a press release and a FAQ regarding the project and then work backwards to figure out what needs to be done to meet what you wrote in your press release.

A Press Release FAQ:

  • Focuses on the user
  • Address pain points
  • Measures success
  • Considers stakeholders
  • Sets a vision
  • Is a story

PR FAQs communicate a project very succinctly. If someone asks what a project is about, the PR FAQ should be the first document they read.

Every project in the Foundation starts life as a PR-FAQ, this repository stores all the PR-FAQs and manages the workflow of a PR-FAQ from proposal to approval buy the working group.


The details regarding how to propose a project and the entire project lifecycle in the Foundation can be found in the Foundations Handbook (LINK TBD)


PR-FAQs have 3 stages.

  • PRE-DRAFT: This is a proposed project, anyone can create a PRE-DRAFT PR FAQ.
  • DRAFT: If the associated Working Group finds merit in the PR FAQ it move to DRAFT and resources are allocated to flesh out a more detailed plan to execute the project.
  • LIVE: If the associated Working Group approves the DRAFT PR FAQ, it moves to LIVE stage and the Project is stood up as an official GSF project.

The PR FAQs for each stage can be found here:

  • You can find all the PRE-DRAFT PR-FAQs in the pre-draft folder.
  • You can find all the DRAFT PR-FAQs in the draft folder.
  • You can find all the LIVE PR-FAQs in the life folder.

When you are ready to move a PR-FAQ to the next stage, create a pull request to move it to the next folder, the working group will discuss and the chair of the working group will be asked to review the pull request and give it approval to be merged.

Template Press Release

Use this Template Press Release FAQ) as a baseline to create your own. Some people find it easier to start by writing the Press Release some find it easier to write the FAQ. Whatever works for you and take a look at the existing PR FAQs in this repo.


Press Release FAQ's for the Foundation

License:MIT License