naver / kapture

kapture is a file format as well as a set of tools for manipulating datasets, and in particular Visual Localization and Structure from Motion data.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Permissions for scripts and dos formatting

mingu6 opened this issue · comments


Thanks for all of your great work on this! I have a minor bug to report around the scripts in the tools/ folder. I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and have installed Kapture through pip using an empty conda environment with python=3.7.

Two issues:

  1. all scripts in the tools/ folder, e.g. are not executable upon installation. I can manually fix this of course, but not ideal every time Kapture is installed/updated. update
    zsh: permission denied:
  2. After making the script executable within the package directory, executing the script again yields the following error: update
    /usr/bin/env: ‘python3\r’: No such file or directory
    This is due to special characters or something through Windows or something. I can again easily fix this by running dos2unix on all tools but again this is suboptimal every time kapture is installed/updated.

Is there any way to address this for future releases? I remember a few releases ago this was not an issue.

Hi, this might be because I pushed the release to pip this time and I work on windows.
There shouldn't be a problem with the files from the repository (I check they are 755, except a few that I fixed, and I don't get the error when I try to run them on our linux server) so we'll take a look and probably re-upload the release.

We fixed the package so that the scripts are now directly executable when installed with pip.
You can directly use the newer version (1.1.1).
Thanks for your feedback!

Works a treat, thanks! Keep up the great work :)