navasmdc / MaterialDesignLibrary

This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2

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SCROLL_AXIS_NONE cannot be resolved or is not a field

dhruvbansal3 opened this issue · comments

in file i am facing this error in

public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView absListView, int scrollState) {
    switch (scrollState) {
        case AbsListView.SCROLL_AXIS_NONE:
            floatHiding = false;
            floatShowing = false;
    if (onScrollListener != null)
        onScrollListener.onScrollStateChanged(absListView, scrollState);

I am using ecllipse and minSdkVersion = 9 and targetSdk is 5.0.1

Can you please look into this ?


AbsListView.SCROLL_AXIS_NONE was added in API 21. The minSdkVersion for this library is 8, and compileSdkVersion is 19 which is a problem. This was added in #242, but apparently it wasn't compiled before being accepted.