naure / YaP

A modern shell language derived from Python.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A modern shell language derived from Python.


sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/yap
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yap

Then try:

echo 'print( ! ls )' > list_example.yap
yap list_example.yap

Design Goals

Truly integrated

The best of both worlds: Python code and inline shell commands. Outputs can be interpreted directly as strings, lists of lines, csv, or json objects.

Lots of straight-forward conveniences for arguments, files, strings and errors handling.

Command interpolation with { any(expression) }.


Shell scripting is tricky, error-prone and unsafe. Hell is quotes. And spaces in filenames. Or space-separated lists. When missing arguments gives an empty string messing up your paths. And logic with nothing but strings. Avoid all of this.

Yap is a normal programming language; the code doesn't depend on input values. It uses the well-defined Python's data structures and logic. Common cases like missing arguments will raise an error as expected.

print($1)  # Raises an exception if missing
print($1 or 'Default')  # Or provide an alternative

Failures of called processes must be handled, either implicitly or explicitely.

Besides, it does not contain prehistoric security bugs like bash :D


Solve each task with the best suited language. Python for logic and shell for system interaction. Cross-platform like Python.


Single file, no-dependencies compiler. On-the-fly or pre-compiled to pure Python.


Any Python programmer should be able to understand Yap. And he should be able to write some after glancing sideways at the examples in this README.


Running commands

# Run command. Output will be printed on the console
! cmd

# Capture output in an expression. stderr still goes to the console
some_python = 'full output: ' + ! shell command
print(! date +%s)

# Specify what exactly to capture
stdout, stderr = oe! true
output_and_errors = O! true

# The above raise exceptions on failures. Instead, you can capture the return code
return_code = r! true
stdout, stderr, return_code = oer! false
if return_code:
    error("Something went wrong")

# The s prefix runs the command in a shell
s! cat foo | grep bar

Variables in commands

! echo { some_python.upper() }
! touch prefix_{var}.ext

# Safe program arguments. Exception if missing
! ls $1
# Arguments list. Does not include the program name
for arg in $*:
    ! ls {arg}

# Same for environment variable
! echo $env_variable

# Test values or provide defaults
! ls { $1 or "." }
if $1 == "first argument":
$unknown_env_variable is None

Working with files

# Pipe to and from filenames with the > symbol
(filename > ! wc > "words_count.txt")

# Pipe from string
(some_data ! cmd)

# Read and write files
some_data = read(filename)
write(filename, some_data)

# Many common operations are readily available
joinpaths("/tmp", "dir", "file")

Working with data

# Conversion of command outputs
some_integer = (i! echo 2) + 2
some_float = (d! echo 2.5) + 2
list_of_lines = l! ls
list_of_words = f! ls
lines_then_fields = lf! ls -l
fields_then_lines = fl! ls -l
json = j! ls -l

# Join lists of strings
concat, joinlines, joinfields

# Filter text, list of lines, or an open file, with a regex
for matching_line in grep("^pattern", open(file)):

# Pretty print and colors. Colors are simply ignored if not using a terminal.
pprint(..), red(..), blue(..), green(..), ..


Nice colored listing with file type

yap listing.yp [directory]

#!/usr/bin/env yap

print(gray('Listing nicely'))
filenames = listdir($1 or '.')
for name in filenames:
            (f! file {name} )[1:]

Simple grep clone

yap grep.yp pattern files...

#!/usr/bin/env yap

for file in $*[1:]:
    print(green(file) + ':')
        grep($1, open(file))


We use and maintain YaP at


A modern shell language derived from Python.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 98.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%