nature-of-code / noc-book-2-archive

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magicbook build cannot find source images

AntonioGHub opened this issue · comments

I am on Windows 10 with magicbook

Whenever I build the book, it can't find the source images returning errors like:

image not found in source folder: chapter10/ch10_14.png
image not found in source folder: chapter10/ch10_15.png
image not found in source folder: chapter10/ch10_ex03a.png
image not found in source folder: chapter10/ch10_16.png
-> HTML build finished

and the same goes with the PDF part of the build.
I noticed that this happens only with the images stored in a subfolder (like context\noc_pdf\imgs\chapter10 subfolder), but images in the root are correctly detected: for instance context\noc_pdf\imgs\bella.png

Nevertheless, image folders appear correctly referenced in the magicbook.json file:

      "images": {
        "files": "context/noc_pdf/imgs/**/*.*"

Interestingly, if I move all images to the root (context\noc_pdf\imgs) and replace all references in the html source files accordingly, it works fine.

In the previous version of the book an issue opened for the same problem, at a point seemed to indicate too long names as the cause for the issue.
Build fails · Issue #118 · nature-of-code/noc-book

May this be the cause?

more details:

os: Windows 10

nodejs version: v12.1.0

code commit: 2f9b392 (current commit of branch "source")

magicbook version (current as of today)

@AntonioGHub - Hello! Thanks for posting this issue. I have a feeling that this might have to do with the way that magicbook is handling file/folder paths. I'm not exactly sure, but sometimes there are issues with the way that node.js handles paths between macos and windows. I'll have to take a look to see if this can be easily resolved with something like path.resolve() in the case that it is not being used (though I to check this).

I think the macos build is working on my end and @shiffman 's end last I checked, so we can look into this for windows.

Thanks for the info + your patience!

Thank you,
if you find it handy to have me check if the change you mention (path.resolve) fixes the issue, let me know. It doesn't cost me anything to give it one or more tries.

@AntonioGHub - Sure! Quite likely you'll have to dig behind the scenes of magicbook. If this is something comfortable for you, by all means you're welcome to give it a try. If it turns out the change helps, then you can make a PR to magicbook and we can get that merged in for everyone else to use as well :)

Thanks so much!

Fine, I never have messed up with node.js nor npm modules/dependencies but it shouldn't be a problem (I might be slow at the beginning, but it looks like it is not urgent matter anyway).
So, just let me know when/how to proceed!

Ok, I found the problem and fixed it (in a platform-agnostic fashion).

You can find the PR on magicbook: fixes #29; img.src attribute not correctly resolved on Windows.


In the meantime, while the bug still exist on windows 10, anyone can follow my tricks:

  • use WSL for Windows 10 (I'm using Ubuntu). Or in my case, I also try to use remote server Ubuntu bash, installed with npm magicbook as global also. But both of them give the following error after magicbook build command:
  • Prince XML Error but consolidated HTML can be made. No PDF file have been made.
  • Install Prince XML for Windows from here and install.
  • Open Prince and open the consolidated.html generated from magicbook in build folder.
  • PDF file found on the same folder.

Looks like this was fixed so I'm going to go ahead and close this issue! Feel free to re-open if there are new ones. (This project is now active again!)