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NATSNoRespondersException after upgrading to 1.0.5 (from 1.0.4) when watching large KV buckets

jlumsden-mts opened this issue · comments


Versions of NATS.Client and nats-server: NATS.Client 1.0.5 (works in 1.0.4) with server 2.9.19

OS/Container environment: Windows

Steps or code to reproduce the issue:

Extend TestKeyValue.cs with:

public void TestWatchManyKeys()
    const int NUM_MESSAGES = 1000;
    Context.RunInJsServer(c =>
        // get the kv management context
        IKeyValueManagement kvm = c.CreateKeyValueManagementContext();

        // create the bucket
        IKeyValue kvContext = c.CreateKeyValueContext(BUCKET);

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MESSAGES; i++)
            kvContext.Put(i.ToString(), i.ToString());
        TestKeyValueWatcher watcher = new TestKeyValueWatcher(true);

        var sub = kvContext.Watch(">", watcher, watcher.WatchOptions);

        int count = 0;
        while (watcher.EndOfDataReceived == 0 && count < 100)
        Assert.True(watcher.EndOfDataReceived > 0);

Expected result:

Test should pass in 1.0.4 and 1.0.5

Actual result:

Test passes in 1.0.4
Test fails in 1.0.5 and later: Watch method call throws NATSNoRespondersException

Initially I thought this was due to my real app watching multiple buckets but it is reproducible by adding lots of keys into a single bucket. I'm assuming some kind of timeout is occurring when it takes too long to reach end of data? If you reduce NUM_MESSAGES to 100 it will pass. I don't think I have >100 keys in my real app but the values will be much larger than this example so it appears to be message size dependent.

Narrowed it down to passing before and failing after this commit:

No responders are available for the request.
   at NATS.Client.Connection.RequestSyncImpl(String subject, MsgHeader headers, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Nullable`1 count, Int32 timeout) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\Connection.cs:line 2961
   at NATS.Client.Connection.Request(String subject, Byte[] data, Int32 timeout) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\Connection.cs:line 3048
   at NATS.Client.JetStream.JetStreamBase.RequestResponseRequired(String subject, Byte[] bytes, Int32 timeout) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\JetStream\JetStreamBase.cs:line 164
   at NATS.Client.JetStream.JetStreamBase.GetConsumerInfoInternal(String streamName, String consumer) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\JetStream\JetStreamBase.cs:line 65
   at NATS.Client.JetStream.JetStream.LookupConsumerInfo(String lookupStream, String lookupConsumer) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\JetStream\JetStream.cs:line 449
   at NATS.Client.JetStream.JetStreamPushAsyncSubscription.GetConsumerInformation() in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\JetStream\JetStreamPushAsyncSubscription.cs:line 45
   at NATS.Client.KeyValue.KeyValueWatchSubscription..ctor(KeyValue kv, String keyPattern, IKeyValueWatcher watcher, KeyValueWatchOption[] watchOptions) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\KeyValue\KeyValueWatchSubscription.cs:line 83
   at NATS.Client.KeyValue.KeyValue.Watch(String key, IKeyValueWatcher watcher, KeyValueWatchOption[] watchOptions) in C:\nats\\src\NATS.Client\KeyValue\KeyValue.cs:line 156
   at IntegrationTests.TestKeyValue.<>c.<TestWatchManyKeys>b__30_0(IConnection c) in C:\nats\\src\Tests\IntegrationTests\TestKeyValue.cs:line 1259
   at IntegrationTests.SuiteContext.RunInJsServer(TestServerInfo testServerInfo, Action`1 test) in C:\nats\\src\Tests\IntegrationTests\TestSuite.cs:line 124
   at IntegrationTests.KeyValueSuiteContext.RunInJsServer(Action`1 test) in C:\nats\\src\Tests\IntegrationTests\TestSuite.cs:line 423
   at IntegrationTests.TestKeyValue.TestWatchManyKeys() in C:\nats\\src\Tests\IntegrationTests\TestKeyValue.cs:line 1238

I think I figured it out. PR coming soon.

@jlumsden-mts Thank for you taking the time to document this. I flat out missed something. It's fixed now. Fixed in #795

No problem @scottf, thanks for sorting it out so quickly