nathanchance / WSL2-Linux-Kernel

linux-next-based WSL2 kernel (discontinued due to no longer using WSL2)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

package manager repository? or other form of updator tool

Merith-TK opened this issue · comments

If you could provide a repo for us to use (even on aur for the archwsl users such as myself) that would be great. i could try and write an simple updater in go that checks the hash of the current kernel and the hash of the latest git release if that would be helpful

Unfortunately, I do not really have the time to do something like this but if you would like to do it yourself, by all means :)

The GitHub releases make doing something like this very programmatic, I wrote a small updater function for my laptop:

Made one that works for windows
only requirement is you have to have your .wslconfig file look here for the image C:\\users\\<you>\\.vmlinux

package main

import (


var (
	rel = release{}

// Please go to line 93 for main fuction
type release struct {
	URL             string `json:"url"`
	AssetsURL       string `json:"assets_url"`
	UploadURL       string `json:"upload_url"`
	HTMLURL         string `json:"html_url"`
	ID              int    `json:"id"`
	NodeID          string `json:"node_id"`
	TagName         string `json:"tag_name"`
	TargetCommitish string `json:"target_commitish"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	Draft           bool   `json:"draft"`
	Author          struct {
		Login             string `json:"login"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		NodeID            string `json:"node_id"`
		AvatarURL         string `json:"avatar_url"`
		GravatarID        string `json:"gravatar_id"`
		URL               string `json:"url"`
		HTMLURL           string `json:"html_url"`
		FollowersURL      string `json:"followers_url"`
		FollowingURL      string `json:"following_url"`
		GistsURL          string `json:"gists_url"`
		StarredURL        string `json:"starred_url"`
		SubscriptionsURL  string `json:"subscriptions_url"`
		OrganizationsURL  string `json:"organizations_url"`
		ReposURL          string `json:"repos_url"`
		EventsURL         string `json:"events_url"`
		ReceivedEventsURL string `json:"received_events_url"`
		Type              string `json:"type"`
		SiteAdmin         bool   `json:"site_admin"`
	} `json:"author"`
	Prerelease  bool      `json:"prerelease"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	PublishedAt time.Time `json:"published_at"`
	Assets      []struct {
		URL      string `json:"url"`
		ID       int    `json:"id"`
		NodeID   string `json:"node_id"`
		Name     string `json:"name"`
		Label    string `json:"label"`
		Uploader struct {
			Login             string `json:"login"`
			ID                int    `json:"id"`
			NodeID            string `json:"node_id"`
			AvatarURL         string `json:"avatar_url"`
			GravatarID        string `json:"gravatar_id"`
			URL               string `json:"url"`
			HTMLURL           string `json:"html_url"`
			FollowersURL      string `json:"followers_url"`
			FollowingURL      string `json:"following_url"`
			GistsURL          string `json:"gists_url"`
			StarredURL        string `json:"starred_url"`
			SubscriptionsURL  string `json:"subscriptions_url"`
			OrganizationsURL  string `json:"organizations_url"`
			ReposURL          string `json:"repos_url"`
			EventsURL         string `json:"events_url"`
			ReceivedEventsURL string `json:"received_events_url"`
			Type              string `json:"type"`
			SiteAdmin         bool   `json:"site_admin"`
		} `json:"uploader"`
		ContentType        string    `json:"content_type"`
		State              string    `json:"state"`
		Size               int       `json:"size"`
		DownloadCount      int       `json:"download_count"`
		CreatedAt          time.Time `json:"created_at"`
		UpdatedAt          time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
		BrowserDownloadURL string    `json:"browser_download_url"`
	} `json:"assets"`
	TarballURL string `json:"tarball_url"`
	ZipballURL string `json:"zipball_url"`
	Body       string `json:"body"`

func main() {
	r, err := http.Get("")
	ifErr(err, 1, "Failed to GET json")
	defer r.Body.Close()

	err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&rel)
	ifErr(err, 1, "Error decoding JSON")

	for i := 0; i < len(rel.Assets); i++ {
		blep := rel.Assets[i].Name
		if blep == "bzImage" {
			downloadFile(rel.Assets[i].BrowserDownloadURL, "bzimage")

func downloadFile(url string, filename string) {
	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	ifErr(err, 2, "Failed to download File")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	out, err := os.Create(os.TempDir() + "\\" + filename)
	ifErr(err, 2, "Failed to create File")
	defer out.Close()

	_, err = io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
	ifErr(err, 2, "Failed to write File")

func check() {
	usr, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
	local := checkFile(usr.HomeDir + "\\.vmlinux")
	remote := checkFile(os.TempDir() + "\\bzImage")
	if local != remote {
		confirm, err := dlgs.Question("Update?", "You are not on the latest kernel update, would you like to update?", false)
		ifErr(err, 5, "Failed to Install new Kernel")
		if confirm == true {
			err := os.Rename(os.TempDir()+"\\bzImage", usr.HomeDir+"\\.vmlinux")
			ifErr(err, 5, "Failed to Install new Kernel")
			dlgs.Warning("HEADS UP!", "Please put this in your .wslconfig file, \n ------ \n [wsl2] \n kernel=C:\\users\\<YOUR USERNAME>\\.vmlinux \n ------ \n And the run \"Restart-Service LxssManager\" in powershell as administrator to finnish installation")
	} else {
		dlgs.Info("SUCCESS", "You are at the latest release")

func checkFile(filename string) string {
	if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		file, err := os.Create(filename)
		ifErr(err, 5, "Failed to Create empty file")
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	ifErr(err, 5, "Failed to open File")
	defer f.Close()

	h := md5.New()
	_, err = io.Copy(h, f)
	ifErr(err, 5, "Failed to Check md5sum")
	return string(h.Sum(nil))

// How i am handling errors
func ifErr(err error, code int, msg string) {
	if err != nil {
		dlgs.Error("ERROR CODE"+string(code), msg)

	Error codes
	1: Related to json requests
	2: Related to file requests
	4: Unknown
	5: Related to local file system errors
Now when you run it, it will seem like its doing nothing, what it is actually doing is downloading the latest release into your temp folder, and then it will give different popups, what one would expect is that "You are on the latest release", but if you are not, it will ask you if you want to install the latest release,
and then it will tell you what to do now, (set your config, restart LxssManager)

it checks if your on the latest release by comparing your local vmlinux md5sum. with the freshly downloaded md5sum

wow... thats alot of comits that reference this,

I am just seeing this now, but I wrote this for my own personal use a while ago. It is far from perfect, but maybe it will be helpful to someone.

I'm using Scoop. It's due to the custom Repo feature.

i use scoop as well,

Looks like there are plenty of solutions available, closing this up.