nathancahill / Anycomplete

The magic of Google Autocomplete while you're typing. Anywhere.

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Modifier Key press like control + return to actually search for the term on google in a browser

nikitavoloboev opened this issue · comments

This extension is phenomenal and is extremely useful, what would make it more useful is to allow the user to press a modifier key press on a search term and make a search in google in the default browser of the user.

I'm going to keep this config simple. If you want to do that on your machine, the lines to change are: anycomplete.lua#L10

@nikitavoloboev My fork adds this feature (to shift key). Only seems to work for the first result though (pressing shift+enter), and you'll want to tweak the google url to your country for local results.

@pdaddyo just tried your fork and it didn't work for me for some reason :(