nathanboktae / mocha-phantomjs

:coffee: :ghost: Run client-side mocha tests in the command line through phantomjs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

use require.resolve to fetch script file of mocha-phantomjs-core

kaelzhang opened this issue · comments


The new NPM(version 3.3.3) will install dependencies directly into the node_modules directory as much as possible rather than installing them hierarchically.

So, there might not be a node_modules directory inside node_modules/mocha-phantomjs/, see here

It's better to do the path.resolve thing with require.resolve()

Good catch, thanks.

4.0.1 has your fix. Thanks.


You are so efficient, buddy! 👍

Yeah 10min from open to fix and published is a new record for me :)