nathanaelbosch / PSDMatrices.jl

Positive semi-definite matrix types in Julia

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More modular tests

pnkraemer opened this issue · comments

Would be great to have tests for

  • different element types
  • static arrays (and non-static arrays)

without manually defining a bunch of matrices.

Would also be great to have some easier-to-access test functions (macros?).
Many tests seem to follow a clear pattern:

  • Test that op is (approximately) invariant w.r.t. Matrix(): e.g. @test det(S) \approx det(Matrix(S)), @test size(S) \approx size(Matrix(S)), @test S \ X ≈ Matrix(S) \ X
  • Test that op (approximately) commutes with Matrix(): e.g. @test inv(Matrix(S)) == Matrix(inv(S))

This could be realized with a bunch of functions

function test_op_invariant(op, S)
    @test op(S) == op(Matrix(S))

function test_op_invariant_approx(op, S, abstol=0.1, reltol=0.1)  # ignore the values
    @test op(S) \approx op(Matrix(S)) abstol=abstol reltol=reltol

function test_op_commutes(op, S)
    @test Matrix(op(S)) == op(Matrix(S))

# etc.

It seems possible to implement this with a macro; see for a starting point.