nathanaelbosch / PSDMatrices.jl

Positive semi-definite matrix types in Julia

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The best way of adding PSDMatrix types

pnkraemer opened this issue · comments

Frequently, one has to compute C = A + B where A and B are of PSDMatrix type. A and B may have different forms, there is an entire zoo of options of computing this sum, and with different goals, different implementations might be optimal.

Potential test cases:

  • Number of elements in A and B: say, <=100 and >=10,000)
  • Square, tall, and wide matrices
  • Ill-conditioned and well-conditioned matrices


  • Cholesky (already implemented)
  • Pivoted cholesky
  • QR (already implemented)
  • Pivoted QR
  • iterated lowrankupdate

Plus each of the in-place versions, of course.


  • Run time
  • Number of allocations
  • Numerical stability
  • Special properties of the output (i.e., if the return value is of Cholesky type).