natemoo-re / stencil-tools

Editor enhancements and utilities for Stencil projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stencil Tools v3.0.0

natemoo-re opened this issue · comments

Hey all –

There's clearly interest in this project, which is super exciting! I really appreciate your interest and your patience as things have fallen off recently. I wanted to post an announcement to let everyone know where things stand with Stencil Tools.

This project really hasn't gotten the love it deserves. I got a new job right around the time of the stencil@one release and then got married, so I have been super busy.

I'm going to try to find the time to get the v3.0.0 release pushed out. This repo is actually a complete rewrite, so I want to be certain that features people rely on from the original VS Code plugin are working as expected. v3.0.0 is a major DX improvement and includes an integrated Language Server, a CLI, and support for editors other than Code, but there are likely plenty of things that need to be updated for Stencil One and possibly Code.

I'm hoping to review outstanding PRs, make any necessary changes, and get the release pushed out as soon as I can.