natemoo-re / animate-presence

Effortless element entrance/exit animations

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WAAPI instead of CSS

jdnichollsc opened this issue · comments

What do you think if you use WAAPI instead of CSS? Check

Let me know

Nice, I was wondering if something like that existed! I'd definitely like to add support for WAAPI somehow, but I'm not sure what that would look like yet.

Try and let me know! 👯‍♂

I opened a PR (#3) for this!

It was pretty minor to enable, and actually simplified the logic I was using to detect animations previously. 😄

This approach feels nice and generic, but it's obviously imperative. A declarative option would be nice, but I don't think I want to add that just yet. If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them!

I'm creating some examples using Animatable, in a declarative way =>