natemcmaster / DotNetCorePlugins

.NET Core library for dynamically loading code

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How can i use Plugin DBContext ?

GrilleGustav opened this issue · comments

Hi, on the SmarthomePlugin.cs

` public class SmarthomePlugin : IPlugin
public SmarthomePlugin() { }
public string GetHref() => "/plugin/v2";

public IServiceCollection ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
  services.AddDbContext<RepositorySmarthomeContext>(opt => opt.UseMySql("Server=;port=3306;database=api;uid=root;pwd=123;charset=latin1", new MySqlServerVersion(new System.Version(10, 5, 8))));
  return services;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder appBuilder)
  appBuilder.Map("/plugin/v1", c =>
    var autoMapperType = typeof(AutoMapper.IMapper).Assembly;
    c.Run(async (ctx) =>
      await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("This plugin uses " + autoMapperType.GetName().ToString());


i add DBContext of the plugin to create the plugin database tables.
Then i want use the controller with DbContext , but my api returns always "500 Internal Server Error".
I have only this. No erroor output on Kestrel console.
No error shown on debugging in Visual Studio.

My controller:

` [ApiController]
public class SwitchController : ControllerBase
private readonly RepositorySmarthomeContext _context;

public SwitchController(RepositorySmarthomeContext context)
  _context = context;

public ActionResult GetVersion()
  return Ok("0.0.1");


How can i use DbContext in Plugins?

Ok I figured it out, they have a common project and there is a static reference from both the base application and the plugin.
For plugin services, you have registered the service interfaces in the shared project.
This is not a clean solution for me. I want to have the service class and interface only in my plugins and load them on application startup.
What can I do to change this?

instead of creating different db context for each plugin, the standard approach should be keeping a single dbcontext and loading your plugin entities use modelbuilder configs, ef and your database pool will thank you.