natefrisch01 / Graph-Link-Types

Link types for Obsidian graph view.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Filter graph links by type

lmnewkirk opened this issue · comments

I sometimes have a couple of link types between different notes and so Graph Link Types has been great for distinguishing them visually in graph mode. However, I often want to see just one type of link at a time, and not have the other types of links displayed at all in that view. I want both nodes to be present on the map (so I don't want to filter either node out) so what I need is a filter option to include/exclude certain link types. Maybe this is beyond the scope of this plugin, but I thought I'd check to see if it's difficult to do!

Additional details, if relevant: I'm using Obsidian to track research notes, especially for literature review (I used to use Tiddlywiki and Tiddlymap for this purpose but I've been migrating to Obsidian, so this plugin has already been a lifesaver!). I'm using the graph view to map citations between papers I've read, where clicking on a node will take me to my notes on that paper. The result is a graph (mid-migration) like this:

However, sometimes in my notes I discuss (and want to link to) papers that don't have a citation relationship, so those are standard wiki links. I'd like to have the option not to display these, because part of the utility of this view is that it organizes itself into clusters of related papers in a useful way (for example, the cluster of nodes at the top of the graph are papers that are citing each other, but aren't well-connected to the main cluster below them, illustrating a gap in the literature I could do a project about). If my notes (sometimes within those paper nodes) start drawing more links between nodes, it spoils the insight the graph is giving me. I'd like to filter out the "regular" system links from the graph if possible!

I think that the best way to handle this will be to add an opacity option for the text and link color menu, when that gets implemented. This should be pretty reasonable to expect in a future update. Thanks for the ideas!

I think that wouldn't quite do what I want, because an invisible (but extant) link would still exert physics on its linked nodes, but for my particular application I want to just not draw the edge for that link type at all. (Though opacity would also be nice!)

For example, right now I have situations like this:

Where even though node 1 isn't directly linked by the link type I care about to node 3, they're connected and drawn close together because of the in-text link.
What I'd rather is for it look like this:

Where it's like the in-text link doesn't exist at all, and Node 1 and Node 3 float relatively freely.

I'm sure that's more complicated to implement so I understand if it can't happen.