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"KeyError: 'calculateRamp'" in

pmccreery opened this issue · comments


When running jdi.run_pandexo() with all instruments, or specifically with WFC3 G141, a KeyError returns.

Appears that in line 652 of, calRamp = pandeia_input['strategy']['calculateRamp'], the key 'calculateRamp' doesn't exist. Running the script with the 'RUN ALL' option reproduces the error. Not sure if I should be adjusting something for HST/WFC use, but I couldn't find anything.

Thank you!

Apologies for the delay. Can you post the two code snippets you are using?

I encountered the same issue. It can be replicated even when running the example from the docs:

import pandexo.engine.justdoit as jdi

exo_dict = jdi.load_exo_dict()

exo_dict['star']['mag']      = 9.397                # H magnitude of the system
exo_dict['planet']['type']    = 'user'               # user specified inputs
exo_dict['planet']['exopath'] = 'WASP43b-Eclipse_Spectrum.txt' # filename for model spectrum
exo_dict['planet']['w_unit']  = 'um'                 # wavelength unit
exo_dict['planet']['f_unit']  = 'fp/f*'              # flux ratio unit (can also put "rp^2/r*^2")
exo_dict['planet']['depth']   = 4.0e-3               # flux ratio
exo_dict['planet']['i']       = 82.6                 # Orbital inclination in degrees
exo_dict['planet']['ars']     = 5.13                 # Semi-major axis / stellar radius
exo_dict['planet']['period']  = 0.8135               # Orbital period in days
exo_dict['planet']['transit_duration']= 4170.0/60/60/24#(optional if given above info) transit duration in days
exo_dict['planet']['w']       = 90                   #(optional) longitude of periastron. Default is 90
exo_dict['planet']['ecc']     = 0                    #(optional) eccentricity. Default is 0

inst_dict = jdi.load_mode_dict('WFC3 G141')

exo_dict['observation']['noccultations']               = 5            # Number of transits/eclipses
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['subarray']     = 'GRISM256'   # GRISM256 or GRISM512
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['nsamp']        = 10           # WFC3 N_SAMP, 1..15
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['samp_seq']     = 'SPARS5'     # WFC3 SAMP_SEQ, SPARS5 or SPARS10
inst_dict['strategy']['norbits']                       = 4            # Number of HST orbits
inst_dict['strategy']['nchan']                       = 15           # Number of spectrophotometric channels
inst_dict['strategy']['scanDirection']               = 'Forward'    # Spatial scan direction, Forward or Round Trip
inst_dict['strategy']['schedulability']              = 30           # 30 for small/medium program, 100 for large program
inst_dict['strategy']['windowSize']                  = 20           # (optional) Observation start window size in minutes. Default is 20 minutes.

foo = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, inst_dict, output_file='wasp43b.p')

The error occurs on the last line. Here is the full traceback:

Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], [line 1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=6&line=1)
----> [1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=6&line=1) foo = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, inst_dict, output_file='wasp43b.p')

File [~/.local/mambaforge/envs/pandexo/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandexo/engine/](, in run_pandexo(exo, inst, param_space, param_range, save_file, output_path, output_file, num_cores, verbose)
    [377]( if type(inst) == dict:
    [378](     if verbose: print("Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict")
--> [379](     results =wrapper({"pandeia_input": inst , "pandexo_input":exo}, verbose=verbose)
    [380](     if output_file == '':
    [381](         output_file = 'singlerun.p'

File [~/.local/mambaforge/envs/pandexo/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandexo/engine/](, in wrapper(dictinput, verbose)
     [37]( elif telescope=='hst':
     [38](     from .hst import compute_sim_hst
---> [39](     return compute_sim_hst(dictinput, verbose=verbose)
     [40]( elif telescope=='wfirst':
     [41](     return

File [~/.local/mambaforge/envs/pandexo/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandexo/engine/](, in compute_sim_hst(dictinput, verbose)
    [649]( disperser = pandeia_input['configuration']['instrument']['disperser'].lower()
    [651]( # add a switch for ramp calculation
--> [652]( calRamp = pandeia_input['strategy']['calculateRamp']
    [654]( if not pandeia_input['strategy']['useFirstOrbit']:
    [655](     if verbose:print("Dropping first orbit designed by observation strategy")

KeyError: 'calculateRamp'