natapoli90 / game-code-review

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Game Code Review & Refactor

Code Smells

  • Excessive Comments
  • Dead Code (e.g. commmented-out, or completely unused code)
  • Long Methods / Large Classes
  • Inconsistent Naming
  • Uncommunicative Naming
  • Long Parameter Lists
  • Inconsistent Interfaces
  • Duplicated code
  • Complex Conditionals
  • Combinitorial Explosion
  • Speculative Generality (aka "premature optimization")
  • Inappropriate Intimacy (aka "entangled code")

Source: List of Code Smells

Javascript Style Guide

Airbnb ES5 Style Guide

Code Review

Take a look at the three Game solutions in this repo.

  • What did they do well?
    • Good style
    • Helpful comments about complex logic
    • Indentation, Spacing
    • Good variable names & function names
  • What could they refactor?
    • Code "smells"
    • Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
      • Modularity / Encapsulation / Abstraction
    • Keep it Simple, Stupid (KISS)
      • "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" -- Donald Knuth
    • Separation of Concerns (SoC)
      • Model View Controller (MVC)
        • Model Logic (Data) - e.g. player 1, player 2
        • View Logic (Presentation Logic) - What it looks like
        • Control Logic (Game Logic) - Rules of the game
    • Mixing styles -- Vanilla Javascript DOM Manipulation vs. JQuery DOM Manipulation
    • Overloading Functions
      • Accepts too many parameters (3 or fewer is best!)
      • Does too many things (could be broken down further)



Language:JavaScript 100.0%