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Method 'affected_rows' not found in CI_DB_query_builder

yokonrad opened this issue · comments

As the title says. Do you have any fix for that? :)


If you are using the default mysqli driver is possible solve this adding the class CI_DB_mysqli_driver with her public methods in phpstorm.php. As follow:

class CI_DB_mysqli_driver extends CI_DB_query_builder {

	 * Affected Rows
	 * @return   int
	public function affected_rows()

	 * Insert ID
	 * @return   int
	public function insert_id()

	 * Database connection
	 * @param   bool $persistent
	 * @return   object
	public function db_connect($persistent = FALSE)

	 * Select the database
	 * @param   string $database
	 * @return   bool
	public function db_select($database = '')

	 * Error
	 * Returns an array containing code and message of the last
	 * database error that has occurred.
	 * @return   array
	public function error()

	 * Returns an object with field data
	 * @param   string $table
	 * @return   array
	public function field_data($table)

	 * Reconnect
	 * Keep / reestablish the db connection if no queries have been
	 * sent for a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout
	 * @return   void
	public function reconnect()

	 * Database version number
	 * @return   string
	public function version()

And change the doc properties from CI_DB_query_builder to CI_DB_mysqli_driver. 😃

After you do it, mark the file system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_driver.php as text in PhpStorm IDE then will be possible see the mysqli methods by $this->db.

You also can do this with other drivers. For me it works well.

captura de tela de 2017-02-06 21-47-56

It works well too if there is only affected_rows() method inside CI_DB_mysqli_driver :)

class CI_DB_mysqli_driver extends CI_DB_query_builder {
     * Affected Rows
     * @return   int
    public function affected_rows() {}

Do i need rest of methods inside CI_DB_mysqli_driver? Anyway you should consider adding this to your project ;) I am working under newest CodeIgniter v3.1.3 and for now it looks like everything is good

// EDIT: I checked all of the methods and insert_id() is not working too, so correct class should look like:

class CI_DB_mysqli_driver extends CI_DB_query_builder {
     * Affected Rows
     * @return   int
    public function affected_rows() {}

     * Insert ID
     * @return   int
    public function insert_id() {}

And now all of the methods works for me :)