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Release 1 I&T Report

sjlewis-jpl opened this issue · comments

We should put together the I&T/V&V Report for Release 1. This will include updating the VnV Matrix for R1 testing.

Updating the VnV Matrix for R1:

  • GDrive link to a working version: OPERA SDS L3 VnV Matrix for R1 2022-06-27.xlsx
    • This copy is distinct from the spreadsheet we will use to track R2 testing activities.
  • Update columns H-N for each of the VnV Activities exercised for R1.

What the report needs to contain (can be a doc, or slides):

  • Identify the version(s) used for testing.
  • summary table of the VnV Matrix
  • Table with the L3 SDS Requirements addressed by R1, and their status (verified/closed, or unverified/open, etc.)
  • Summary listing of any issues encountered during testing. Note which have already been addressed & closed, and which (if any) are still open.
  • If there are any un-verified / open requirements, there should be a description of the issue(s) preventing closure, and a plan for how we will address them (and ultimately close the req.).

Looking over the VnV Matrix - everything looks good for R1. This issue is ready to close.