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--json output doesn't work on vultr?

unusualevent opened this issue · comments

trying to get --json output to work for:

  • ops image list -t vultr --json
  • ops instance list -t vultr --json

are global options something that like MacOS needs to be at the front of the command? or can they be at the end of the options?

that would be useful to script together:

old_image=$(ops image list --json --filter "somename" | jq 'sort to newest')
go build thing.go
ops image create imgname -t vultr
# get single ID instead of a table
image_tag=$(ops image list --json | jq 'sort to newest....')
# launch newer instances
for i in 1..5; do
ops instance create $image_tag -t vultr --label somelabel --domain $i.somedomain
sleep 10m # let the cluster heal
# kill the old instances
for instance in $(ops instance list --filter $old_image); do
ops instance delete $instance -t vultr

since we have so many providers/targets we sometimes don't add functionality for everything at once - this should be relatively easy to do though; happy to accept any prs for it

how ugly can the PR be? I'm also after getting the labels / domain names / names built - are you expecting PRs to have no new dependencies or something?

we are totally ok with prs that don't diverge much from existing behavior and add incremental benefits/features

I think we can merge things that are shorter/feature specific much faster than larger changes - if you have completely different requests I'd break those up into diff prs

as for including new deps - we'd like to avoid that as much as we can - there's already a lot of existing 3rd party software that's included - good chance you can find existing behavior elsewhere in the code that could be re-used

@eyberg looking through this trying to find an example of where I would need to extend the provider.

added to PR #1462


@eyberg note - I can't build this locally. You're on 1.19.5 and I was using go1.20.3 - so I guess it's gonna have to wait until a new release artifact is published.

the version shouldn't matter; if you're running into a build issue that is a diff. problem (possibly protobufs?)

distribution/distribution#3590 <- it's this. my checksum db doesn't match the one you checked into the repo, when I clean the cache and retry it.

oh, you could nuke the gosum, bump go.mod deps and you'll prob be ok

nice, so this works vultr=$(ops instance list -t vultr --json | jq -r '.[] | select(.tag=="nanos")|.main_ip') - I just had to add the "nanos" tag to the instance after it was made.

Is there an existing convention/preference if I add hostnames/labels/tags to the vultr part of the cli? that would make filtering using JQ a little easier. Is the cli option supposed to be something like --label?

yes - we add tags to a handful of providers today such as aws ( and gcp ( ) and filter everything based on that - we can/should do the same for vultr as it's very common to have a mix of nanos instances and non-nanos instances

added tags for vultr instances here #1472 - i didn't see offhand a way to do this for snapshots