nanoskript / vrm-rigify

Generate Blender Rigify armatures for VRM models

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong fingers controls

syt0r opened this issue · comments

Hey. First of all thank you for this addon, it looks really helpful. The only issue I've found is that finger controls are bending in wrong direction, seems like only thumb has correct orientation

I have blender 3.2.0, Vroid Studio 1.19.0, import-export vrm addon 2.14.11


Hi, thanks for opening an issue.

At the moment I'm unable to reproduce the problem. Here's a screenshot with one of AvatarSample_A's finger's rotated:


I achieved this by rotating the green circles on the fingers. Is there some other way you're rotating the finger joints? If you can provide a blend file with the problematic rig in it, that'd be really helpful.

Edit: In case this helps, make sure that the VRM model isn't moved or rotated at all when you import it and generate the rig for it.

According to screenshot seems like you have the same issue. These orange controls are supposed to be parrallel to the xy, if you select them and scale down then fingers should bend inside of the hand together nicely, but right now they are benging to the side

I'm also not very familiar with rigify but it can be fixed by moving middle part of finger slightly upward so that rigify can assume correct direction, though I'm not sure it this is correct. Maybe changing bend rotation axis for limbs.super_finger can help as well

Here is an example of what I did

Also seems like when you copy metarig generated by addon and create rigify rig from this copy then deform bones are generated with DEF prefix so that original mesh can't be used because vertex groups don't have def prefix

Also seems like when you copy metarig generated by addon and create rigify rig from this copy then deform bones are generated with DEF prefix so that original mesh can't be used because vertex groups don't have def prefix

This is intentional. The addon tries to not modify any part of the VRM model and so it renames the generated rig's bone names to match the model's vertex groups instead.

If you'd like to use a manually generated rig, you can apply the "Amend Generated VRM Rigify Rig" operator on it.

These orange controls are supposed to be parrallel to the xy, if you select them and scale down then fingers should bend inside of the hand together nicely, but right now they are benging to the side

This should now be fixed in aaf043e. As you suggested, setting the rotation axis for the super finger bones to Z works.


Thank you again for reporting this bug! Feel free to reopen if you are still having problems with this specific issue.