nanduparadi / deploy-static-website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Roadmap to deploy static website using HEROKU and NETLIFY

What is HEROKU

Heroku is a cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages. One of the first cloud platforms, Heroku has been in development since June 2007, when it supported only the Ruby programming language, but now supports Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, and Go ect

What is Netlify

Netlify is a San Francisco-based cloud computing company that offers hosting and serverless backend services for web applications and static websites. Both are PaaS services

Difference between HEROKU and Netlify

Netlify is an automation platform for web projects that is focused toward frontend developers. The main features include continuous integration out of the box, free SSL, and CDN. The platform is great of the easy of use, fast deployment, and continuous integration.

Heroku helps developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud. It is focused toward backend development and allows web/mobile projects deployment. The main features include pre configured containers called Dynos and a fully-managed runtime environment. Advantages are the scalability and security protocols. simply – Netlify is focused towards frontend development – Heroku is focused towards backend developers – Netfliy is ideal for web projects – Heroku works with web and mobile apps – Netlify provides continuous integration out of the box – Heroku has the option to turn CI on

Deploy static website using Heroku

use simple PHP wrap as shown in index.php

keep all your index.html page and other images in a folder and upload into github main branch

create HEROKU paid/free account, then configure github in HEROKU finally deploy the static website

HEROKU is pretty easy to deploy and manage websites and other apps


Just fork/download my files keep in your git hub master branch tehn create account in HEROKU and configure with github then deploy you will get deployed web link as shown

HEROKU deployment screen short1

create app and search your github repo as sown below and otherize


Choose automatic deployment or manual deployment

For automatic deployment make sure - enable continuous integration services in your github repository, so for every change in your code will reflect in your website

HEROKU deployment screen short2

have two options to deploy Automatic and Manual deployment,Here I have choosen Automatic deployment. click on Deploy button it will take few seconds/minuits tehn will give you web link - click on View button...

You can see your deployed website -


*Note Given simple HTML code - sincle I am focusing only on static webpage deployment - u can deploy your own webiste with out using my code dont change PHP wrapper code format some times images wont load since it's an free quota, make chnges in image size accordingly

Deployed usisng Netlify

Easy to deploy static website using Netlify - used same code, autorize github from netlify and deploy your website simply netlify

This is the deployed web link



Language:HTML 97.7%Language:PHP 2.3%