nandorojo / swr-firestore

Implement Vercel's useSWR for querying Firestore in React/React Native/Expo apps. 👩‍🚒🔥

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Composite Index warning message/link not appearing in console

samipshah100 opened this issue · comments

This is a warning. Just flagging it out for potential future users. Please delete if inappropriate.
I suggest it to be included in the readme for users or the warning message with the link to the composite index be logged to the developer's console.

I have a query where I use both where and orderBy clauses.

 const { data: arr, mutate } = useCollection(
      isLoggedIn ? `users` : null,
        where: ['isJoined', '==', true],
        orderBy: ['timestamp','desc'],
        // 🚨 this is required to get access to the snapshot!
        ignoreFirestoreDocumentSnapshotField: false,

In this case a composite index is needed for the query to return results.

Typically firestore will give you a warning in the console but using it as above does not generate the warning.

It is solved by manually creating a composite index in firestore.