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I cannot publish on github

francis2211 opened this issue · comments fi043739$ sudo bundle exec rake
Configuration file: _config.yml
cp -r _site/. /tmp/d20160407-67083-1esgxp6
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/d20160407-67083-1esgxp6/.git/
Switched to a new branch 'master'
[master (root-commit) c3acc6b] Site updated at 2016-04-08 01:53:57 UTC
22 files changed, 2078 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 404.html
create mode 100644 about/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/a-wonderful-serenity-has-taken-possession-of-my-entire-soul/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/far-far-away-behind-the-word-mountains-far-from-the-countries-vokalia-and-consonantia/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet-consectetuer-adipiscing-elit/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/lorem/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/the-quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-a-lazy-dog/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/2015/welcome-to-jekyll/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/page/2/index.html
create mode 100644 blog/page/3/index.html
create mode 100644 css/main.css
create mode 100644 feed.xml
create mode 100644 fonts/end2end-icons.eot
create mode 100644 fonts/end2end-icons.svg
create mode 100644 fonts/end2end-icons.ttf
create mode 100644 fonts/end2end-icons.woff
create mode 100755 images/author.jpg
create mode 100644 images/bg-pattern.png
create mode 100644 index.html
create mode 100644 resume/index.html
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

@francis2211 Can you give me a bit more context of when this is happening?
What steps are you taking before face this error?