nand2mario / snestang

Super Nintendo Entertainment System for Tang FPGA boards

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Support for Super Mario World 2 - Yoshis Island

suitable-name opened this issue · comments

Hey, a lot of games are working already, thanks for all the effort you made already! There is one game I'd really love to play, but it doesn't seem to load yet, Super Mario World 2 - Yoshis Island. It would be really great, if you could check out, what's the issue here.

This requires GSU expansion chip support, which is not supported now due to not enough block RAM on the nano 20k and primer 25k.

Thanks for the fast reply. In theory, would the tang mega 138k have enough bram? Can you maybe give some insights on how the estimate is done?
I'm really interested in the matter and started learning SystemVerilog myself, but I do it as a hobby and can't invest as much time into learning as I'd like to do. I'm still at the state where I'm learning to implement basic protocols.
Thanks in advance for any insight you an give on this. I really hope I can contribute to this project at some point :)

The 138k Pro has enough BRAM. The snes memory in question is the BSRAM. GSU accesses BSRAM with more bandwidth than the current design provides. So moving BSRAM from sdram to block RAM should solve this. However, the 138K Pro is quite expensive...

Thanks for the additional info! So if it's ok for you, I'd keep this issue open for now :)