nahumsa / Introduction-to-IBM_Qiskit

A tour on the IBM Qiskit.

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Introduction to IBM Qiskit


The safe way to use the Qiskit is using conda virtual environment. After installing Anaconda 3, you do the following commands:

  1. conda create -n qiskit_env python=3

  2. source activate qiskit_env

Now you install Qiskit:

  • pip install qiskit

  • pip install qiskit-terra[visualization]

To put this environtmen on your jupyter notebook environment you need to type the following comands:

  • conda install jupyter

  • conda install nb_conda

  • conda install ipykernel

  • python -m ipykernel install --user --name qiskit_env

In order to test if the qiskit is installed you import on your python enviroment.


For better visualization, please use nbviewer

  • Initial Tutorial

    In this code you will learn:

      - Build a simple circuit that creates a bell state using Hadamard and C-Not gates.
      - Simulate your circuit theoretically  to get the state vector.
      - Build a real circuit that measures your Qubits in order to give bits of information.
      - Simulate measurement circuits that can be applied to real quantum computers.
      - Run your circuit in the a Real Quantum Computer.
  • Deutsch Algorithm

    In this code you will see the first application of a quantum computer predicting if a boolean function is balanced or constant with only one query.

  • Grover Algorithm

    In this code you will learn the main quantum search algorithm.

  • Quantum Fourier Transform

    In this code you will learn one of the building blocks of inumerous algorithms in Quantum Computing.

  • Quantum Phase Estimation

    In this notebook you will learn about a way to get eigenvalues from a given state. This is an important subroutine that is used on various quantum algorithms.

  • Tomography

    In this notebook you will learn about Quantum State Tomography, that is really important to characterize unknown quantum states.

  • Quantum Counting

    In this notebook we will learn a way to count how many solutions are on a given quantum search algorithm.


A tour on the IBM Qiskit.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.6%Language:Python 0.4%