nahid / talk

Talk is a real-time users messaging and chatting system for Laravel.

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Bug with Talk::getMessagesByUserId()

visualight opened this issue · comments

nahid/talk v2.2.1 - Laravel 5.3

Hi, I'm having a bug with Talk :: getMessagesByUserId (). I have more than 3000 records in my database and I have configured Talk :: getMessagesByUserId ($ id, 0, 2000) which is supposed to retrieve 2000 messages from a user. I have 3000 messages in total in the messages table (from different users), the use of Talk :: getMessagesByUserId as I configured it prevents to retrieve the messages and blocks the distribution of the messages of ALL the users. I have to set Talk :: getMessagesByUserId with a max value of 1000000 to take the lead. I think this is a bug because Talk :: getMessagesByUserId is supposed to limit the number of messages to a single user and not to all.

Example of use now to avoid problems :

public function chatHistory($id=null)
        $function = new Jfunction();
        $me = $this->me;

            $id = $function->uncrypt($id);

        $conversations = Talk::getMessagesByUserId($id, 0, 1000000000);
        $user = null;
        $messages = [];
        $msgs = Conversation::where('user_one', $me->id)->orWhere('user_two', $me->id)->with(['messages' => function($q) use($me){
            $q->where('user_id', '!=', $me->id)->where('status', 2)->where('is_seen', 0);


        foreach ($msgs as $msg)
            foreach ($msg->messages as $message)
                $countMsg = $countMsg+1;

            if(!$conversations) {
                $user = User::find($id);
            } else {
                $user = $conversations->withUser;
                $messages = $conversations->messages;

                foreach ($conversations->messages as $message)
                    if($message->user_id == $id)

Maybe I'm wrong in the code too. An idea ?

Do you want to get All messages from all users?

I have a problem like yours, i've to do this Talk::getConversationsByUserId($userId, 0, 1000000); to get all the message between the user logged and $userId, i think because the $limit = 20 is taking all the messages in database

same here, have to do Talk::getConversationsById($conversationId, 0, 100000000); to get the conversation otherwise query limit will prevent retrieval

Hi there. Perhaps You've got a relatd problem.
To me this function produced an empty List of messages. Eventhough on user 1 in worked.
in vendor/nahid/talk/src/Conversations/ConversationRepository.php :: getMessagesById($conversationId, $userId, $offset, $take) the query doesnt seem to work properly.
I replaced the complex quere by just Conversation::find($conversationId); and that did the trick.

Also I filtered the deleted_from_sender inside of the retriever function "messages" of the Conversation class.

Let me know if that is of use or problematic. Good luck!

INFO: Laravel 5.7, nahid/talk v2.2.2 from composer

I found the same issue,

If we use getMessages the $limit=20 seems to have a bug in MySQL for Linux somehow it limits the query take to only 5 items. It doesn't happen in Windows running WAMP though.

The safest workaround would be to put "999999999" value on the last parameter.

I hope @nahid can check this.
