nafg / slick-migration-api

Schema manipulation dialects and DSL for Slick

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


stefanholzmueller opened this issue · comments

Hey. I'm looking for a lightweight database migration tool and found this project through the Slick documentation. It seems to be up-to-date and the example looks intriguing. I was wondering if it is a good fit for my project and started reading the source code. That helped my understanding a bit, but the "big picture" is still quite blurry.

I'd like to read some high-level documentation, like

  • How does it work
  • How does it compare to other tools
  • What can it do, what not

A few paragraphs in the README would be super-helpful.

PS: If you don't mind, I'll ask more specific questions here. I stumbled upon a Gitter channel, but it seems to be dead.

Thank you very much for this elaborate response! I see now that I misunderstood the goal of this project. I was wondering myself how to deal with old table columns and so on.

I will now probably use Flyway directly and keep the migrations in sync with Slick table definitions manually. Forklift seems to avoid this with code generation, but I have not actually used it, too.

P.S.: I found this somehow:

Should this be closed?