nadiatul / housing

Laravel Housing Search / Filter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Laravel Real Estate Search Rental House

Aboout this project

Database: housing/database/mysql/housing.sql;

this project front end initially created with Angular 7, but deprecated and changed back to laravel blade.

mainly consist of Model,View,Controller (MVC).

Model & Table shared same attribute since both indicates object related to real world

Model/Table :-

  1. houses // list of house record
  2. states // list of state
  3. system_parameter
  4. parameter //Not Used since the relationship not working (last time when i did for laravel 5.4/5.5 its work)
  5. agents
  6. cities

this project used only HomeController and have these function:-

  1. index(), load in initial state
  2. search(), trigger when user search/filter
  3. getParameter(), features to derive filter listing option in parameter(table) based on name on system_parameter(table)

View only consist one blade

  1. welcome.blade.php ( since structuring directory will be time consuming, i didn't structure properly)

Used only in: Form: Line 102 - 149 House Listing: Line 151 - 200

To Create another Filtering Option,

  1. you may create another table if the attribute is not support by system_paramter/paramter optionlisting or
  2. you can just add in a new record in system_parameter and insert listing in parameter, and the id number would be used in as fk column in the houses table

Official Documentation

Documentation for the framework can be found on the Laravel website.


Laravel Housing Search / Filter


Language:PHP 85.3%Language:HTML 14.1%Language:Vue 0.6%