n4ze3m / page-assist

Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing

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[Question]: Accessing Ollama from remote machine

bri6935 opened this issue · comments

Hello - was going through the documentation but couldnt find if i just have the wrong setup/address or it really would not work.
I have ollama running on my Mac studio, and have a macbook air to access it (using an app called enchanted), and its ngrok thats pushing it online.
When i try to use it with page-assist i have this error:

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9 22 19 AM

I could see its trying to connect but being kicked out.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9 24 46 AM

Do i need to modify anything on the ngrok address?

(big fan, this is my favorite ollama ui on my main machine :-)

Hey, did you try enabling the custom URL origin from the settings? If not, all you need to do is go to Settings > Ollama Settings and enable the custom origin URL. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

for more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fydtRnxjfJU or https://github.com/n4ze3m/page-assist/blob/main/docs/connection-issue.md#solutions


Hello! thanks for the reply. I did (screenshots below). but i have a feeling now that it has nothing to do with pageassist but rather how ngrok (and im guessing similar services) will handle ollama when being accessed remotely. I can see its trying to but being kicked out. Will also check the other apps that are working (OpenWebui and Enchanted) and have a look at the code how they are calling a remote machine/ngrok

Ill poke around and will update here if i get it to work :-)

[my actual endpoint isnt the below, just illustrating the settings]


Hey, can you change the custom origin URL to http://localhost:11434 ?

That worked!

  1. In Ollama URL-> the ngrok/remote enpoint
  2. in the Custom origin, "http://localhost:11434"

screenshot below. mac air calling the studio :-)

thank you!
