mzohaibqc / antd-theme-webpack-plugin

A webpack plugin for Dynamic theme generation for Ant Design

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jamesmstone opened this issue · comments

Firstly thank you, this looks like a really useful tool.
For create-react-app projects is it possible to use this with customize-cra instead of react-app-rewired, as react-app-rewired is now only "lightly" maintained.

If so, it would be great to also update the create-react-app example!

Another alternative might be craco or in particular: craco-antd.

@jamesmstone Here are some hints, try this and if it works, update here so others can benefit from your learning

const AntDesignThemePlugin = require('antd-theme-webpack-plugin');
const {
} = require("customize-cra");
const options = {
  stylesDir: path.join(__dirname, './src/less'),
  antDir: path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/antd'),
  varFile: path.join(__dirname, './src/less/vars.less'),
  mainLessFile: path.join(__dirname, './src/less/main.less'),
  themeVariables: [
  indexFileName: 'index.html',
  generateOnce: false // generate color.less on each compilation

module.exports = override(
    modifyVars: {
      '@primary-color': '#00375B'
    javascriptEnabled: true
addWebpackPlugin(new AntDesignThemePlugin (options))

Screenshot from 2019-07-18 17-16-27

This one is not working in (customize-cra: 0.4.1)

@Dppatra You should have seen the docs. You are not using the correct case for function name. It is addWebpackPlugin and not addwebpackpluginplugin

addwebpackpluginplugin is not a function@ @mzohaibqc

@buquan you should have seen the above comments. it's clearly saving it is addWebpackPlugin and not addwebpackpluginplugin.

use addWebpackPlugin methods can't work , it maintains 'Starting the development server...'

@buquan I've not tried this my self, do some changes, see the docs, you may get success