mytja / mytja

My profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there πŸ‘‹

I'm Mitja, also known as @mytja. I'm a student from Slovenia.

You are looking at my profile. I've shifted my focus towards the MeetPlan organization, so I might not be so active on this profile, as it's used mostly for personal projects and small libraries - mostly nothing interesting.

You can reach out to me using my e-mail address (

  • πŸ”­ I’m currently working on MeetPlan
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning C++
  • πŸ’¬ Ask me about anything related to Slovenia, SIS (Student Information Systems) in Slovenia and e-mail in general

⚑ Fun facts:

  • I'm a very bad designer.
  • I'd like to become a backend engineer or system administrator.
  • I've written a research work on electronic mail and designing of my own protocol (Backend, Frontend).
  • I'm a 2-time national champion πŸ† in my category (Python 🐍).
  • My Linux distribution of choice is Fedora.
  • I can speak 3 languages (Slovenian, English and (currently learning) German), of which I'm pretty bad at all of them.
  • I'm not only interested in computer science and programming, but also in electronics.
  • My favorite subjects are Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science.
  • I've used to maintain youtube-search-python, but due to lack of time, left the project.
  • My favorite color is orange.
  • I'm known for Dockerizing everything and using GitHub Actions everywhere I can.

Oh, and while you're at it, please check out my website cough very very outdated, also has a ton of bad design choices cough.


My profile