mystor / synstructure

Utilities for dealing with substructures within syn macros

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Omitting enum variant fields other than the last doesn't work

Manishearth opened this issue · comments


Essentially, the following code:

#[derive(Finalize, Trace)]
enum Foo {
    Foo(bool, #[unsafe_ignore_trace] Ignore),
    Bar(#[unsafe_ignore_trace] Ignore, bool),

using filter() on unsafe_ignore_trace will generate the following function:

            unsafe fn trace(&self) {
                unsafe fn mark<T: ::gc::Trace + ?Sized>(it: &T) {
                match *self {
                    Foo::Foo(ref __binding_0, ..) => { { mark(__binding_0) } }
                    Foo::Bar(ref __binding_1, ..) => { { mark(__binding_1) } }

Note that the bindings are appropriately numbered, but appropriate gaps are not inserted in the enum pattern match.