mymai91 / boilerplate

Boilerplate angular and express setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

If this is a new dev box, follow the Setup Dev Env instructions below to setup the dev box w/node, mongo, angular, and express

Boilerplate project setup

Clone this repository

cd <dev-path>
git clone

Install the required node modules

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/services/server-boilerplate
npm install
npm install lodash
npm install body-parser
npm install cookie-parser

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/web-apps/app-boilerplate
npm install
bower install

Configure the build environment

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/web-apps/app-ng-boilerplate

Create the file: aws.config.json

  "key": "...",
  "secret": "...",
  "bucket": "..."

Fill in 'key' with your AWS Access Key ID. Fill in 'secret' with your AWS Secret Access Key. Fill in 'bucket' with the name of the s3 bucket you are deploying to.

Edit build.config.js

  deploy: {
  	root: 'build',
  	js: 'build/js',
  	styles: 'build/styles',
    devSettings: {
      "apiServer": "http://localhost:3000"
    releaseSettings: {
      "apiServer": "[enter release apiServer url here]"

Update releaseSettings.apiServer with the release URL of the express server

Test the project

Launch the express server

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/services/server-boilerplate

This will lauch the service on port 3000 You can test the service by going to the following url in your browser:


This should load the following json object:

  {thing: 5}

Build the angular app

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/web-apps/app-ng-boilerplate
gulp build

Launch the angular app

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/web-apps/app-ng-boilerplate

This will launch the service on port 9001 You can test the app by going to the following url:


This should load a simple app in the browser.

Release the angular app to AWS

cd <dev-path>/boilerplate/web-apps/app-ng-boilerplate
gulp release

You can view the released app by going to the endpoint of your s3 bucket.

Setup Dev Env

Configure bash (optional)

If you haven't configured bash, use this:

It's pretty good.

##Install Mongo

    brew install mongo

##Install Node JS

  • Go to and click install to download the install package
  • Run the install package

Install will provide instructions on what to add to $PATH (normally it is /usr/local/bin, so you shouldn't have to do anything)

Node was installed at


npm was installed at


Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH.

##Install Yo (this will also install bower)

sudo npm install -g yo

##Install Gulp

sudo npm install -g gulp


Boilerplate angular and express setup


Language:JavaScript 56.3%Language:HTML 42.6%Language:CSS 1.2%