mykiwi / symfony-bootstrapped

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Installation fails if the database is set to SQLite

Spomky opened this issue · comments

When creating a .env.local file with the following database url: ``, I have the following error: DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db

gosu foo php -r echo "Wait database...\n"; set_time_limit(30); require __DIR__."/config/bootstrap.php"; $u = parse_url($_ENV["DATABASE_URL"]); for(;;) { if(@fsockopen($u["host"].":".($u["port"] ?? 3306))) { break; }}
Wait database...
make: *** [Makefile:53: db] Error 255

You should drop, or update this line to ignore the check when DATABASE_URL starts with sqlite:///

OK understood.
Many thanks.