Harley E's repositories


Write, compile, and test a program named Lyrics that displays at least four lines of your favorite song. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 44, Exercise 5.



Create a project named RecentlyVisitedSites that contains a Form with a list of three LinkLabels that link to any three Web sites you choose. When a user clicks a LinkLabel, link to that site. When a user’s mouse hovers over a LinkLabel, display a brief message that explains the site’s purpose. After a user clicks a link, move the most recently selected link to the top of the list, and move the other two links down, making sure to retain the correct explanation with each link. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 652, Exercise 2.



Instructions: Make a photo move after a button is clicked.



The Chat-A-While phone company provides service to six area codes and charges the per-minute rates for phone calls shown in Figure 6-25. Write a program named ChatAWhile that stores the area codes and rates in parallel arrays and allows a user to enter an area code and the length of time for a call in minutes, and then display the total cost of the call. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 265, Exercise 6.



Create a project named FiveColors2. Its Form contains at least five RadioButton objects, each labeled with a color. When the user clicks a RadioButton, change the BackColor of the Form appropriately. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 603, Exercise 3.



Create a program for The Cactus Cantina named FoodOrder that accepts a user’s choice from the options in the accompanying table. Allow the user to enter either an integer item number or a string description. Pass the user’s entry to one of two overloaded GetDetails() methods, and then display a returned string with all the order details. The method version that accepts an integer looks up the description and price; the version that accepts a string description looks up the item number and price. The methods return an appropriate message if the item is not found. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 349, Exercise 3.



The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale classifies hurricanes into five categories numbered 1 through 5. Write an application named Hurricane that outputs a hurricane’s category based on the user’s input of the wind speed. Category 5 hurricanes have sustained winds of at least 157 miles per hour. The minimum sustained wind speeds for categories 4 through 1 are 130, 111, 96, and 74 miles per hour, respectively. Any storm with winds of less than 74 miles per hour is not a hurricane. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 186, Exercise 4.



Add the seven TextView widgets and one EditText widget to the layout. Set the id and text properties of each widget. The app should allow you to enter a subtotal, but that shouldn’t cause the discount percent, discount amount, or total values to change. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 53, Exercise 2-2.



Using app from 2-2, this updates the fields to calculate tip and total based on user entry. It also takes into consideration rotation of smartphone and changes the launch icon. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 91, Exercise 3-1.



Instructions: Loops - Create the app that uses loops on button clicks, which show in the log.



Write a GUI program named MilesToKilometersGUI that allows the user to input a distance in miles and output the value in kilometers. There are 1.6 kilometers in a mile. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 134, Exercise 1.



Create an application named Multiplication whose Main() method asks the user to input an integer and then calls a method named DisplayMultiplicationTable(), which displays the results of multiplying the integer by each of the numbers 2 through 10. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 307, Exercise 6.



Various exercises from the book "Introduction to Programming Using Python" by Y. Daniel Liang



Instructions: Audio - find a sound that is free to use (such as an animal sound). Create an app that uses the sound.



Write a program named SubscriptExceptionTest in which you declare an array of 20 doubles and store values in the array. Write a try block in which you place a loop that prompts the user for a subscript value and displays the value stored in the corresponding array position. Create a catch block that catches any IndexOutOfRangeException and displays an appropriate error message. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 537, Exercise 1.



Create a program named TestFileAndDirectory that allows a user to continually enter directory names until the user types end. If the directory name exists, display a list of the files in it; otherwise, display a message indicating the directory does not exist. If the directory exists and files are listed, prompt the user to enter one of the filenames. If the file exists, display its creation date and time; otherwise, display a message indicating the file does not exist. Create as many test directories and files as necessary to test your program. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 702, Exercise 1.



Create an application named TestHockeyPlayer that instantiates and displays a HockeyPlayer object. The HockeyPlayer class contains fields for a player’s name (a string), jersey number (an integer), and goals scored (an integer). Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 417, Exercise 1.



Modified the Tip Calculator app that’s presented in chapter 6, so it uses the OnKeyListener interface to handle Key events instead of using the OnEditorActionListener interface to handle Key events. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 195, Exercise 6-2



In a “You Do It” section of this chapter, you created a tipping table for patrons to use when analyzing their restaurant bills. Now, create a modified program named TippingTable3 in which each of the following values is obtained from user input: - The lowest tipping percentage - The highest tipping percentage - The lowest possible restaurant bill - The highest restaurant bill. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 255, Exercise 11.
