mybigday / llama.rn

React Native binding of llama.cpp

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Android: Cannot load models, stopCompletions not working.

Vali-98 opened this issue · comments

As it says on the tin. Loading small 3b models ala Tiny Llama or StableLM models do not work. Tested models:

Attempting to call initLlama results in

  • Error: Failed to initialize context

Which I can only assume is here:

I do not know enough about native functions to investigate further.

In addition, stopCompletions() does not stop a completion on Android.
Thanks for your work, the project is fantastic otherwise.

Can you share the following info? Thanks!

  • llama.rn version (latest: 0.3.0-rc.9)
  • Used model quantized type or file size
  • Android device version & arch & total memory

Also you can use adb logcat -s "RNLLAMA_LOG_ANDROID","RNLLAMA_ANDROID_JNI" to get logs.

Sure thing:

  • llama.rn version: 0.3.0-rc.9

  • Models used & quantizations:

  • Not working:
    -- phi-2.Q3_K_M.gguf
    -- stablelm-zephyr-3b.Q3_K_L.gguf

  • Working:
    -- tinyllama-1.1b-chat-v0.3.Q3_K_L.gguf

  • Android Devices Tested on:
    -- Samsung A71 - Android 13 - 8GB
    -- Emulated Pixel 3a - Android 14 - 8GB allocated

  • logcat log:

RNLLAMA_ANDROID_JNI: [RNLlama] is_model_loaded false
RNLLAMA_ANDROID_JNI: [RNLlama] is_model_loaded false
RNLLAMA_ANDROID_JNI: [RNLlama] is_model_loaded false

After further testing, this seems to be caused by an older version of the package being installed instead. Purging cache and downloading latest fixed the issue.

A bit of an embarassing mistake by me, but I will leave this up for future reference. Thank you for your time.