mybb / docker

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Cannot connect to Postgres after install

kevinvanryck opened this issue · comments

I've been trying to setup this docker image locally but I'm getting connection issues with Postgres.

When browsing to the nginx server, I get the install page. I try to start up the installation with the Postgres credentials setup in my docker compose file, however it doesn't connect.


The strange thing is, I'm able to connect using a postgres client, but not through then nginx mybb.


This is what I've got in my docker-compose.yaml:

version: '3.6'

    image: mybb/mybb:latest
    - ${PWD}/mybb:/var/www/html:rw
    - ${PWD}/plugins:/var/www/html/inc/plugins:rw
      - postgresql
      - postgresql
    image: nginx:mainline
    - published: 8080
      target: 80
    - ${PWD}/mybb:/var/www/html:ro
    - ${PWD}/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro
    restart: always
      POSTGRES_DB: mybb
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: changeme
      POSTGRES_USER: mybb
    image: postgres:10.4
    - published: 5432
      target: 5432
    restart: always
    - ${PWD}/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw

Then I've also got the nginx/default.conf file as described in the readme, unchanged.

Is the mybb container supposed to automatically install the tables, or are we supposed to do this manually? Any idea why it's not connecting?

What settings are you using in MyBB to connect to PostgreSQL? I believe they should be as follows: - Host: postgresql - Database: mybb - Username: mybb - Password: changeme The docker image doesn't set up the tables, you have to do a normal install with the MyBB installer web pages.

I just noticed, I didn't try putting postgresql as host, let me try again 😁

What settings are you using in MyBB to connect to PostgreSQL? I believe they should be as follows: - Host: postgresql - Database: mybb - Username: mybb - Password: changeme The docker image doesn't set up the tables, you have to do a normal install with the MyBB installer web pages.

Worked like a charm, thanks! Might be worth mentioning in the readme the hostname to be used.

Pinging @kawaii since he's the principal maintainer :) Might be best to provide some further documentation/instructions.