mxw / vim-jsx

React JSX syntax highlighting and indenting for vim.

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Multi-line edit starting with periods under the cursor breaks

juicetin opened this issue · comments



As stated in the title, multi-line edits starting with a period under the cursor doesn't work - instead of the usual behaviour (using visual mode, multi-line highlight, then shift+i), only the first line gets the edit, and it gets pushed to the left such that the original text stays in the same columns.

pangloss/vim-javascript is also being used at the same time - so I'm not sure if this issue may be a combination of these two plugins interacting (but disabling this one and leavin vim-javascript enabled doesn't reproduce the issue).

This behaviour occurs in *.js files using the let g:jsx_ext_required = 0 setting, as well as in *.jsx files, both inside and outside of JSX blocks in said file extensions.

Are you using line-visual mode, or block-visual mode? I can't repro with the latter, and the former never does the thing you're describing.


Hi mxw,

It was in block-visual mode - particularly in the use case where I'm commenting out multiple lines each with leading periods (.). I'll do some further debugging especially around having different plugins enabled at the same time - I'll post back with new info when I have some.