mxtommy / Kip

SignalK Instrument package

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Update 2.10.0: values jumping between sources

x7y8z9 opened this issue · comments

When there are different sources for the identical path the values within the instrument panel are jumping to another source.
The values are not jumping within SK or KIP data browser.

SK data

KIP data

KIP instrument

Did you notice this problem in prior versions?

If you have multiple sources for the same path, Source Priority for each path needs to be configured in SK, else widgets will jump between sources as they publish values. This is as per specs.

Check this and report back.

Thank you

I see 8 different sources for path electrical.batteries.0.voltage

They appear to be for different batteries. If it's the case, you should configure one path for each battery instead of multiple sources for the same device (path).

  • electrical.batteries.0.voltage
  • electrical.batteries.1.voltage
  • electrical.batteries.2.voltage

I'm not saying there is no bug yet, but it's not good practice. Multiple Sources are meant to be used as backup providers for the same path. Like if you have 2 gps. Use gps-1 and if it's stops sending data or breaks down, use gps-2 so the path still gets the info. For this to work, you have to configure Source Priority in Signal K.

Can you share a screenshot of the volt gauge configuration please.

I'll run checks on multiple sources.

Until I find the problem, please ask in the Server and Victron Discord channel how to change the setup. It's not how sources are intended to be used. Even if it worked before. You are at risk of having other problems down the road.

It will probably be a much faster fix. I have 2 engines and 5 batteries myself and they all use single paths so it's something in the setup, or the plugins that needs a change.

You can also down grade to the previous version until the fix. Uninstall KIP, restart the server and from the command line in the .signalk folder run: npm i @mxtommy/kip@2.9.3

Here is what I got from Discord:

Best solution is to filter out the n2k data and use the Venus plugin.
Or those instance numbers can be changed on the GX device. Instructions on the Victron site I believe.
There’s no reason to bring that data into sk Since the Venus plugin brings that in and more.
Filters on the Data Connections to ignore Venus n2k data.
I actually disable the n2k out on the GX. And use sk-to-n2k to send only what I need out on n2k.


I'm testing and I don't see source value jumps on my end. I've asked other user to check with their setup. Let's see if they report issues. That said, I strongly recommend you use the instructions above to clean up your setup and use individual paths. Go on Discord in the server channel to get support from the community.

I understand David's annoyance, and I really appreciate everything he does to develop an amazing tool and share it with us.

Having said that, I'm also seeing the same issue with the latest release.

I have multiple sources for the same data, and I've configured KIP to display the data from a particular source. It has worked perfectly for a long time, but the latest KIP release normally shows the wrong source, and sometimes jumps rapidly between the two sources:




@godind , is there anything I can do to help debug?

User Mat has found that using source Default or the first available source in the list is fine. The problem is only visible on sources past the first source.

Possible workarounds until the fix is released are:

  • Rollback to previous version. On the server, uninstall KIP, restart Signal K server and from the command line, go to the .signalk folder (depending on your setup this can be cd ~/.signalk, execute command: npm i @mxtommy/kip@2.9.3
  • Configure SK Source Priority, if it makes sense. This will make only one source visible at all times and KIP will use Default as the source.
  • Remap your existing sources to separate paths, where it makes senses. This applies mostly to paths that contain numbers - batteries.0..., engines.0..., tanks, etc.

The last two workarounds are not bug fixes, but they are configuration corrections that will prevent hitting this bug and protect from possible issues in other circumstances.

I confirm: with V2.10.01 multiple sources of one path are working again.