mxtommy / Kip

SignalK Instrument package

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Disable automatic saving in Default

ignamendi21 opened this issue · comments


I am using KIP connected to my signalk server,
I have created my windows and my perfect configuration of data visualization, however sometimes when someelse uses my account and star meshing and playin , then I return I I find all my screen broken and updated....
I know that we coul have differtent users etc... but I would to disable the automatic saving in Default that KIP does all the time...

Is it posbile?

I want everything as it is right now, but disabling the automatic saving in Default. I know that when I create custom windows I will have to save it in a remote configuration and then I will have to copy it inside Default. But I will do it once and that is.

How can I disable automatic saving in Default?


This feature is not available at the moment. As you stated, to work around this create a separate user for each. You can copie a user's default to Global them from global to the other user. I also suggest making a backup to Global.

Yes, I know is not available.
I have been looking to the angular code few hours just trying to disable it... But I haven found the way.

Please could you help with it?
Where is it being call the auto storage in default method ?

Thinking about it,
the easiest way would be to give the SK user Read Only permission and switch it to R/W when required. Not sure if that will generate unforgiving errors when you play with config but worth a try. We might only need to add a small feature that handles that use case.

Otherwise the app stores config as changes are made from different part of the app. All changes go to the Settings service which, depending if the Sign in is enabled, will either save to local browser storage or the Storage service.

mmmmm I think it works.
I create a Read/Write user, then I create all the windows and screen I need. Then from an Admin user, I change that user to only Read permisison, and now it doent work the aoutosaving in Default. So if someone meshs it, only have to reload the browser and the initial configuration I left will come out again.

Great. It's probably logging console errors but it should not affect anything.

Change happen in memory and persisted so there is no way to prevent this. There is also no SK api to get user permissions so it would be tricky to build this.

Remember that you can copy configurations and keep backups with Global and User storage scoped. You can also copy to LocalStorage, then remove "Sign In" to use browser configuration.

I'll close this issue.
