mxochicale / dev-review

website with resources for researchers learning about code review during development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code Review During Development

This repository is automatically built from markdown files by Hugo using GitHub Actions. This site uses the Hugo LoveIt theme.

This site is available here:

The following branches are important:

  • main: the markdown files corresponding to the current live version of the website
  • gh-pages: the static html site, automatically built by Hugo on new commits to main by this script


Install hugo extended (installation instructions). The "extended" hugo version is required to enable some features of the LoveIt theme, such as mermaid diagrams. See commands to install hugo based on your Operating system.

  • macOS
brew install hugo
  • Windows
choco install hugo -confirm
  • GNU/Linux (Debian and Ubuntu)
snap install hugo --channel=extended

Clone this repository

After generating your SSH keys as suggested here.
You can then clone the repository by typing (or copying) the following line in a terminal at your selected path in your machine:

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you've cloned this repo without the --recurse-submodules options, then you can initialise your local git submodule config with

git submodule init

and update it with

git submodule update


To preview changes locally, you can build and serve the website locally. The disableFastRender option is required to render some features brought by the LoveIt theme, such as mermaid diagrams.

cd site/ && hugo serve --disableFastRender

Open your favorite web-browser using the following url:

Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/dev-review/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop

See Launching the website locally ( for further information.


Commit changes to any other branch than main or gh-pages, open a pull request and request for reviews as common practice for pull request workflow with git.
Once your changes are merged into main branch, the site will be automatically built and deployed and will be live roughly 1 minute later.

⚠️ Do not commit directly to main or gh-pages. ⚠️


website with resources for researchers learning about code review during development


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