mxcl / swift-sh

Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Import local packages

jasonzurita opened this issue · comments

First off, I think swift-sh rocks! I have been enjoying scripting in Swift for a little while now, but this project really takes it to the next level — thanks!

When developing a Swift package locally, I would like to be able to invoke it using swift-sh. i.e., allow swift-sh to take in a local swift packages.

e.g., import Foo // ~/Desktop/Foo

I am using tests to do most of my local development, but I would like to also test my swift package using swift-sh as a real production test. I plan on uploading my project to Github, which would allow swift-sh to grab it, but I would rather not have to rely on that workflow; Especially when making small incremental changes.

I looked through the source code a bit, and I don't think this is currently possible based on:

if let url = URL(string: dependencyName), url.scheme != nil {

I could be wrong though 😅.

I also came across this closed issue: #17, but that issue is related to local files.

PR welcome

Cool, sounds great!

I will see what I can figure out and report back :).

SwiftPM supports local dependencies so can be done. I think the issue will be the syntax to ensure there is no conflict with the form: import Foo // bar/baz we may need to change this to be @bar/baz which requires a breaking change.

Yeah, I went into the swift-sh cache and manually edited the Package.swift to make sure my local dependency worked.

As far as the syntax goes, good point.

  • Is there any desire to prevent that breaking change?
  • Maybe we could relying on a prefix like ~ or local:?
    (I am not sure how I feel about this yet though)

“Is there any desire to prevent that breaking change?”

Ideally, but I'm not sure it will be possible without having it do some kind of check if a directory exists which means our behavior is flakey depending on your directory layouts.

@mxcl After looking into this a bit, I would like your thoughts on the following:

I can move the package url logic from ImportSpecification to parse().swift and do something like:

    if depSpec.hasPrefix("@") {
        let depName = String(depSpec.dropFirst())
        if let url = URL(string: depName), url.scheme != nil {
            depUrlString = depName
        } else {
            depUrlString = """
  \(depName + "/" + importName).git
    } else {
        depUrlString = String(depSpec)

This would replace the dependencyName property in ImportSpecification with a different property like dependencyUrlString, and var packageLine: String would just use the dependencyUrlString (the result from the above change) for the package url. This is assuming the current dependencyName property is not (or will not be) needed elsewhere.

Another potential solution would be to create a new DependencySource enum (e.g., github, local, etc.) that has the dependencyName as an associated value, which would replace the dependencyName property in ImportSpecification. This would then be used to switch over in var packageLine: String to produce the package url. This would probably be a bit cleaner, but more involved. I am open to doing this if there is a benefit to keeping the dependencyName property around.

Both solutions above would have @ signify a GitHub dependency, which would be a breaking change as you said.


Going through this code I have to apologize, it's not great. Was a quick project TBH.

Yeah, as you concluded ImportSpecification will need to change, which is fine. Seems like an enum to replace dependencyName would do the trick:

enum Dependency {
    case remote(URL)
    case local(Path)

Even though most people would (probably) specify local paths relatively, we need the full path since we write the Package.swift elsewhere, which is a pity (since paths change), but not much can be done.

Then change the property name to let dependency: Dependency I guess.

Both solutions above would have @ signify a GitHub dependency, which would be a breaking change as you said.

I think we will do a gradual roll out. For now we should check if a package exists at that path and if so, use .local, otherwise behave like it does now (GitHub URL) but output a warning telling them to stick the @ at the front.

We shouldn’t break scripts for everyone instantly if possible.

Hey, just wanted to give a quick update.

I made some progress changing dependencyName over to a new Dependency enum to accommodate this change, but paused to see the fallout from the private repos issue: #77 (great stuff btw!).

I have to fully catch up and do some rework where necessary, but I am very much still working on this :).

Yeah, sorry, I was thinking of you while I was doing it, unfortunate timing, but you can more easily integrate this now I should think.

Haha, no worries! And yeah I do think my work will fit in better now — nice cleanup PR.

Just submitted PR #81 to resolve this issue. Let me know what you think!