mwitkow / go-proto-validators

Generate message validators from .proto annotations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expect validation files could be generated with relative path

manhdaovan opened this issue · comments


I have a something.proto file, and defined go_package option on it:

// something.proto
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package="";

And I generated the validation file using protoc as below:

protoc -I. \
		-I$(CURR_DIR)/../vendor/ \
		--doc_out=markdown, \
		--go_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:../app/service \
		--govalidators_out=$(CURR_DIR)/../app/service \

Note that I used paths=source_relative:../app/service option (something.pb.go would be placed in relative path to currrent proto files),
then I got a something.validator.pb.proto at app/service/
=> The generated validation file was placed in whole path joined with relative path.
=> Expect: Only app/service/generate_id.validator.pb.go


This tool support the generated validation files in relative path to as above,
regardless to go_package option if a relative path is given in command, such as source_relative, for example.

I changed above protoc command to:

protoc -I. \
		-I$(CURR_DIR)/../vendor/ \
		--doc_out=markdown, \
		--go_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:../app/service \
		--govalidators_out=paths=source_relative:../app/service \

and the source was generated as i expected.