mweibel / connect-session-sequelize

Sequelize SessionStore for Express/Connect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

call `unref`

tomfun opened this issue · comments


I used your library for a long time. But in the last week after updating node js and some dependencies my tests stuck. After some investigation I found out that you don't call unref, your code:

  SequelizeStore.prototype.startExpiringSessions = function startExpiringSessions () {
    // Don't allow multiple intervals to run at once.
    if (this.options.checkExpirationInterval > 0) {
      this._expirationInterval = setInterval(this.clearExpiredSessions.bind(this), this.options.checkExpirationInterval)

problem is solving by adding a line:

  // ...
      this._expirationInterval = setInterval(this.clearExpiredSessions.bind(this), this.options.checkExpirationInterval)
      this._expirationInterval.unref() // < - -
  // ...

Please fix it.

p.s. I just can't understand why I strike with the problem just now, what I have changed, why it did work fine in the past?..

Makes sense, thanks. Released Version 5.0.1 on NPM.

Hmm looks like this causes problems elsewhere. I testing an express app using jest and I after adding ConnectSessionSequelize my tests fail with the following error:

 FAIL  route-controllers\users.test.js
  ● Test suite failed to run

    TypeError: this._expirationInterval.unref is not a function

      40 |
      41 | const SequelizeSessionStore = ConnectSessionSequelize(session.Store);
    > 42 | const sessionStoreInstance = new SequelizeSessionStore({
      43 |     db: sequelize,
      44 | });
      45 |

      at SequelizeStore.startExpiringSessions (node_modules/connect-session-sequelize/lib/connect-session-sequelize.js:163:32)
      at new SequelizeStore (node_modules/connect-session-sequelize/lib/connect-session-sequelize.js:41:10)
      at Object.<anonymous> (app.js:42:28)
      at Object.<anonymous> (route-controllers/users.test.js:1:370)

// edit:
ok, just ignore me. I forgot to set testEnvironment: 'node' in my jest config 😉
