mwarning / MeshGraphViewer

Visualize mesh graphs as forcegraph and on OpenStreetMap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

geolocation mode seems not to work

bittorf opened this issue · comments

i just compiled 9add667 and started it

./graph-viewer --graph map.json

i fetch the data with:


the JSON file is not broken. (" cat map.json | jq . && echo OK ")
in topology mode it works as expected, switching
to "S" seems to make all links to disappear, i can only
see some clients...

is the issue in my side?
(tested with firefox+chromium on debian-testing)

my mistake - i encoded everywhere the exact same latlon. sorry for the noise...

Ok. You gave me a very mild heart attack. ;-]